See if your question hasn't been answered already in the FAQ section, or get in touch directly. We're happy to answer any questions you might have and assist.
We're here to find a best solution for each individual case.
If you have any questions please, get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer any inquiry.
Here's a handful of most common questions we get and explanations. If your question is not listed here don't hesitate to contact us using the form on calling us directly.
A: We recruit for a range of roles that appear and change on a daily basis. Check the latest available jobs on the Jobseeker page.
A: We are the preferred recruitment partner of a number of companies and industries from local start-ups to global banks, from food & beverage entry roles to executive admin positions – to name a few! In short, we recruit across all sectors in London and beyond.
A: We can have a job or staff you need in less than 90 minutes from the moment you call us for a same-day temporary placement. For long-term contracts or permanent positions, we can find you the right role/person in a matter of days, depending on how quickly you can turn around shortlist approvals, confirm interview dates and the seniority of the position.
A: Our fees vary, depending on the level of seniority of the position. We’d be happy to discuss this in more detail once we have a clearer understanding of your requirement.
A: Yes, we often provide job search and staff sourcing to support overseas clients. Get in touch with us to find out details about your specific situation and our staff will prepare an adequate approach.